you can do anything for 2 weeks, right???? well that is what they tell me this thursday will mark 2 weeks of being processed sugar free!! woo hoo!? let me back up a bit...i've been battling something for almost 10 months now. last november i was diagnosed with a "random virus" and was told it would run it's course. well, it has continued to run its course and i've been down ever since with dizzyness, soreness, and general feeling yuck. at first it drove me to insanity...then it lead me to anxiety...then i just decided to ignore it then i'd start that cycle all over again. so about 10 days ago i went to see this was a different experience. but i was sure he'd tell me what was wrong because it surely wasn't still a virus. but alas, he said it is still a virus. he gave me some herbal anti something to take, thryoid herb to take, and then a couple of immune boosters. but the biggy was taking me off processed sugar!! ...