Last night my family headed to the Marshall County Fair. As many of you are, we were eager for some rain and commented that every time we go to the fair there is a storm. We were sure this would guarantee some much needed rain! Sure enough, a low rumble started and before we knew it a storm, and I mean a STORM was blowing through the fair grounds. I had taken the kids into one of the exhibit barns where my husband was working to wait it out. It sure seemed pretty intense and I found my daughter in near tears sitting on my lap. I wrapped my arms around her and just assured her I was here and that we were in the safest spot we could be. The storm passed and she said with great confidence she had received 2 answers to prayer: one was that it rained and the other was that she was safe in the storm. In the middle of the night I awoke to yet another low rumble that quickly grew in intensity. In a little while, she w...