all my life i have wanted a pig. yes, i know it is an odd thing for a non farmer girl to want, but i did. i mean, i would BEG my dad for a pig in our backyard. he was a farmer and so was my mom. they both kept a firm "NO!" every time i asked. it may have been the only time i didn't get something i so badly wanted; i might have been a tad bit spoiled:)
so a little over a year ago we moved to the farm. here, we have an amazing barn and several pastures. it is quite peaceful and every time i wander the outdoors i dream of pastures filled with cows, horses, and PIGS! i know pigs prefer mud, but goodness, we have the best barn for some piggies. i keep asking hubby and he keeps saying "NO!" i even asked if we could get one, but keep it at someone else's farm. he still says "NO!" i just don't get it.
so today.....i bought a pig. well, kind of. but when i posted on facebook that i had just bought a pig (which i truly did) i was pleasantly surprised to see all the encouragement. but what i didn't say......
...the kiddos at our church actually bought a pig (i just had to charge it on my credit card!). we collect an offering each week in our children's ministry but the money has no defined destination. we use it from time to time for operation christmas child and the kids seem to love seeing their offerings being used for God. so one day, while lamenting my lack of a pig, i came up with a brilliant idea. i kept it to myself, then a friend sent that her daughter was interested in selling some baked goods to raise money for people in need. well, that was the push i needed.
so i headed here to heifer international. i picked three animals and let the kids vote. the top vote getter was a pig!!! well, when i counted up what we had in our funds..we could purchase it right away. so today, i made the purchase for us!
i love that heifer doesn't just feed people, but teaches them how to sustain life for themselves. what great way to build a community than to provide for them a way of life. we are currently on our way to buying someone a water buffalo next...everybody has one right? yours is fast but mine is slow???? anyways - you have to watch a lot of veggie tales to know that one!
so, today i bought a pig with the help of many wonderful kids. and in the next week or so, someone is going to receive this gift and treasure that pig. it does my heart good to know that. but dear friends, i still really want a pig:)