my theme for the year is "be still." ironically, it has been a jam packed on the go winter and only picks up the next couple of months. but this summer our pastor is taking a sabbatical and has asked all of us as staff to consider a specific renewal plan for ourselves. honestly, i feel like finding a chance to slow down is near impossible. however, while on a walk last weekend i had the number 21 come to mind. i also know without a doubt it is somehow connected to my personal renewal, yet have no idea in what way. i shared this number and renewal idea with a friend that offered to pray about it for me. that was about 10 days ago now. that friend and i met last monday. she said she had a few ideas: there are 21 chapters in John and Judges, or was i to reflect on something that happened when i was 21? i paused for a moment to place myself back at age 21. then laughed when i said, "i changed my major to kid and youth m...