well....here we are. wrapping up 2020. it was quite a year, wasn't it? for the past couple of weeks i've been taking some time to reflect on my word for 2020 and how it shaped the year. the ways it changed me. the ways i failed it. they ways i found a reset.
there is no point in rehashing the events of 2020. i mean, it was a year no one will quickly forget, but i had no idea all the ways 2020 would force some resets in my life.
i had wanted to reset my spiritual life. that proved interesting when we found ourselves at home on Sunday mornings instead of in church. it proved interesting as church community was displaced.
but God...
next up was resetting my emotional health. oye. what a crazy year to try and work on emotional health. the world seemed to be in upheaval!!
but God...
i finally found the courage to seek out some counseling. i went for one reason and ended up unloading a whole lot. i learned about "crappy" first drafts and have been working hard at resetting those drafts; replacing them with truth. speaking my truth. unpacking the fear of rejection, the hurt i carry, and choosing to rewrite those into true statements. i have learned the ways i have carried this baggage and am working hard to settling into those truths. God has truly used this process to help reset my emotional health. even though several things still feel unresolved, i am in a better place and thankful for the journey.
then there was my physical health. oh goodness. the year started with great intentions. i have learned i stink at following through on intentions.
but God...
and finally priorities. do i even need to talk about this? i mean 2020 helped us all reset out priorities, didn't it?
He knew i maybe needed a few resets here too. i enjoyed the extra family time. i enjoyed growing friendships in meaningful, yet distant ways. seeing all the ways covid effected our community helped shape priorities at work; helped shape my own priorities. it's amazing what rises to importance when the normal gets stripped away.
this past year has definitely had challenges; sadness and heartbreaks.
but God...
there was so much goodness. and the depth of that goodness feels hard to comprehend. many hope that we can leave 2020 behind, but i hope we carry parts of it forward with us. i hope we remember all the ways we changed and grew. all the ways we found joy in simple moments. all the ways that God showed up and all the ways we #livedourvestlife.