as i began to ponder all that i had learned about myself in 2020 i found amazing places of adaptability, leadership, and change. those are great strengths and proved to be valuable in 2020, however those same things left me feeling a bit out of sorts, unanchored. i know my life needs to find some grounding again.
i told my husband yesterday and a friend today that i am not looking forward to 2021. no big plans. no vacations to look forward to. several things are already cancelled and leaving some voids at work. but really...there is nothing like being an incredible social person and realizing 2021 has a looming sense of loneliness when my girl takes on college.
with this in mind, i knew i needed to find some ways to reclaim myself; putting space into my life filled with things that bring joy and peace. there are things i need to continue changing physically, emotionally, spiritually, and relationally, yet discipline is not in my skill set. it freaks me out. constrains me leading to quick failure.
i started looking back over the past several years. what years was i grounded? what years were peaceful? there was a clear common theme. there were definite rhythms to those days, those years. but life happened and i became reactionary, lazy.
so here we are. january 1 of 2021. a new year. a year that will bring immense change in my little world. a year filled with many anticipated bittersweet moments. and i need rhythm. rhythms to anchor my soul. rhythms that provide spiritual growth, emotional growth, physical change.
like all years, i have ideas on how this world might play out. i create some ways i intend to dive into the word then trust God to do what He wishes. this year is no different.
physical rhthym: creating morning and evening routines. allowing the seasons to be revealed in these routines. finding ways for activity to take place on a regular basis. finding ways to practice sabbath. i've never been good at these things but i am hopeful.
emotional rythym: i've ordered emily freeman's "the next right thing" journal and can't wait! i intend to keep up with counseling, hair cuts, massages, all of which provide places of emotional peace and healing.
spiritual rhythm: this will be totally new to me, but probably one i'm most excited about! i have downloaded the daily office app with intentions of following the rhythm of the church calendar. i've been raised to believe that bible reading should be personal and unique, yet there is something that draws me into the rhythms that are already there, connecting us around the world through Jesus.
soul rhythm: well, having been an english major i studied poetry. it's never been my favorite, but this year i want to focus on reading poetry. seeking the beauty in it. allowing the rhythm of the writing to move me. to explore my own thoughts via poetry.
i am excited to dive into this. to see where God leads. to establish some healthy routines. to grasp the goodness of God in His own creation of life rhythms.
it's here i begin
finding rhythm in this life
for here, i will thrive