so i had a major breakdown this week. i just couldn't turn the tears off. it all started when the car door slammed shut on my eye. OUCH!!! so for whatever reason that started a flood of tears that just would not stop. that was monday....tuesday i cried a lot more in the morning. ugh...i'm not usually so emotional. so this morning i was journaling. i started asking myself how i got to this point. it was just about a year ago when i was so pumped about life. God was really speaking to me clearly and i was obeying and i was excited for what the year would bring. about november some things started to unravel. the year was then a series of events that just wiped me out. it took a lot of emotion out of me to go through some of the trials. i am glad i had them - don't get me wrong. they have definitely taught me a lot. at about trial 3, my dad said it best when he said, "men will disappoint you and hurt you, but God will not." wow...that helps put some th...