...my hubby and i need to date more again. we've put that aside due to finances and finding sitters, but we definitely need to get back into the dating habit. we shared a quiet cup of coffee one morning at our local joint. it was sweet.
...my man does a great job at holding down the fort while i take off for a week
...son definitely thrives on attention.
...princess thrives on snuggle time
...both kids are growing and we are discovering their gifts, personalities, and attitudes
...i've discovered a desire/need to be intentional
...reading - i've missed that. a year of dizzyness really didn't lend itself to reading. in february i read 3 books.
...discontment - this is actually a good thing. God is shaking up my little world!
...fears - this is a whole other blog post in waiting
...self-control - yep, starting to see it develop:)
...energy balls (find me on pinterest) these are AMAZING little balls of joy:) which is the one area i find i have NO self-control over!
...almond milk - not too bad, for smoothies
...a reminder in the sufficiency of scripture
...that i wish my sister lived closer
overall february was a great month. i love those short ones. it was a rather mild weather month. warm one day, snow the next, rain the next, sun again. just weird....but the one thing i continue to discover is God's sovereignty and grace is unchanging.