this weekend i read a book. i love to read fiction books and get lost in someone else's world for awhile. i had gone to the library and randomly picked a book off the new christian fiction shelf. it was called the perfect life and well, since that is what i have, i decided it sounded good! okay....well...the title intrigued me. what i found was a book that was just okay in it's actual writing, but the truth in the story really spoke to me. basically it was about a woman who had the perfect husband, perfect daughters, and overall perfect home life. until in one moment it all falls apart. now the really interesting thing here is that it didn't need to fall apart - it just became flawed. and that flaw sent her in a downward spiral. she could no longer hold to her perfect image. so this got me i create the perfect world? am i so focused on what everybody thinks about me that i don't allow myself to be real? it goes back to the whole conversation we...