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an oldy but goody...

so this is a real life event that happened in our home this past february. i wasn't blogging then but this is just too good to not share. so enjoy as i tell a tale of my beloved mapboy....

it is wednesday evening. we are rushing through dinner and trying to get ourselves out the door for church. for whatever reason, mapboy was struggling to fill up on my supper of leftovers. he rummages through the refridgerator and pulls out an apple. now, how can a mother deny her son an apple?!? knowing we are in a hurry and knowing what state my kids will be in when we return from church, i send them both to pick up their rooms as fast as they can! i even allow mapboy to take the apple with him as long as he promises to through the core away. (food in bedrooms is a big no-no around here!).

okay...i clear the table and realize i look a little yuck. i know i'm just working with kids but i decide to head to the bathroom to try and find a better looking lady somewhere. as i'm getting ready i hear mapboy exclaim as loud as can be, "MOM!!! MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!" now my motherly instinct kicks in and i exclaim back, "finish cleaning your room!!!"

about 30 seconds go by before i hear him pounding down the steps saying, "mom, something incredible just happened!" i poke my head out the bathroom to see him running towards me with BLOOD pouring down his chin! now i don't know about you, but i was slightly confused. i quickly wonder how he can be so calm, proud, and excited all while blood is pouring from his mouth!!

i gather my wits and say, "oh my! what incredible thing just happened?" in the back of mind i'm wanting to grab him and freak out. i realize this will only make him freak out and then we are all in trouble. i'm also thinking...hmm.....i wonder how much of this blood has dripped on the carpet, geez, we are gonna be late to church, i really don't want to come home and clean this all up, i wonder what hubby plans to know the usual mind ramblings of a mom who sees blood on her child's face when they are ready to walk out the door.

it is then that mapboy holds out his apple (even it was bloody) in one hand, gives me a huge, bloody smile, and sticks out his other hand. i peer into that other hand and there i see it. a little tooth lay in the center of his palm!!!

"it is incredible!" i exclaim. then i say, "did you even know it was loose?" stupid question i know, but he smiled and said "no! i just took a bite of my apple and tooth came right out!!"

he was so excited he could care less about all the blood. we cleaned up, took a picture, and went to church. when we got home we wrapped the tooth and placed it under his pillow for the tooth fairy. he smiled up and asked what we thought the tooth fairy might leave him. he wanted us to be sure to know that a kid in his class got $100 from the tooth fairy. we explained he must have a different fairy than we do!!

now, what you should also know is this: i was horrible at losing teeth. i would cry for weeks while the tooth hung by a thread. i wouldn't eat, drink....i was an absolute disaster. one time i had to be held down by my brother while my mother pulled one. she dropped it down my throat and it was gone forever. so, i had prepared myself for the same drama out of my children, while praying that God would be kind to me on this one. and thank the Lord, He was more than kind! no drama, no tears, no fits....just pure joy from a little boy and his first lost tooth!!!

since then we have lost one more...yet another apple. this time with caramel and this time it was swallowed, too. BUT no blood and still no tears. unless you count mine when he called me into the bathroom to see if i could find it in his "stinks" he had left in the toilet! he was sure the tooth fairy would come only with a tooth under the pillow. talk about being speechless!!!!! we left a note instead!!!


Kori said…
Love this story! Thanks for sharing!

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