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july 5, 2000

that is when it all started. it was blueberry picking time here in northern indiana. my sister-in-law and i headed out to pick blueberries early in the morning. i think i picked about 14-15 pounds like usual. it was a great morning!

i arrived home around 11:30. brought all the blueberries into the house and noticed i had a few phone messages. i decided i should listen to them and after the first 2 was shocked to hear our dear friend and my doctor suggest i plan to arrive at the hospital around 5:30 that evening. he was planning a vacation and i had hit my due date (5th) so he was willing to induce me. if i didn't have plans he'd love for me to come in and they would insert this little pill on my cerix and then i'd sleep through the night there and they would start the induction early am.

that sounded great...but i have 14 pounds of blueberries to freeze! so i do what every girl does and call my mom!!! mom agrees to take the berries to her house and freeze them over the next 2 days. she also agrees to sit with me at the hospital while hubby has a meeting.

we arrive and check-in. they were having babies left and right there so i just hung out. it happened to be premier night of a new kind of television - reality tv was premiering with survivor(isn't amazing that was just 7 short years ago!! wow!!!) i was hooked from that night on! at close to 11 pm they finally got back to me and set the pill in. they turned off the lights and said good-night. ah...sleep!!!!

2 minutes later - i'm not joking - 2 minutes later i feel this trickle!! so i call the nurse back in. she thinks i'm crazy but checks and sure enough i was the lucky 1 in 99,999 who will have their water break with this great pill!! so much for sleeping. over the next 13 hours i had contractions 2 minutes apart. it was intense to say the least. i had planned to go natural but since my water had broke i was stuck in bed. i also wasn't dilating past 1 1/2! so they pumped me up with drugs and finally at 10 am let me take a shower. that was interesting since i'd been on drugs for a good 8 hours at that point. i was quite loopy!

at noon...some friends stopped by for a visit. they were having their 12 day old weighed in. he took hubby for some lunch while she endured with me the epidural i was finally able to get! half of my body was getting relief but the other half wasn't. the doc came back to redo the epidural and finally full relief. at that point i slept until 2:30. i woke up and threw was finally time to push!! yee haw!!!!

our good doc arrives thankful that he could now just cancel the rest of his appointments and deliver a beautiful baby!! after several pushes it was discovered he was flipped face up - not an easy way to deliver. so we flipped him, pushed, he flipped back. after 3-4 rounds of this (i was unaware of the soon to be panic) they lost his heart rate. so they brought out the vacuum. after several attempts of the vacuum just popping back off we called in a specialist in forceps. at this point i'd been pushing for 1 1/2 hours!! i was exhausted!!!!

the specialist pulled his head out with the forceps, noticed the cord was around his neck so got him all untagled and then our friend finished up! what a relief it was to finally see our first born!!! a beautiful baby boy. he had a blue mark on his forhead from the vacuum and a cut on his nose from the forceps. he still has a scar on his nose! he weighed in at 6 lbs. 11 oz. 19 inches long. no hair, olive skin, dark eyes...perfect in every way!!!!

i had some of the worst tears our nurses had really was panic mode for the doctors. we later learned that he was too far down to do an emergency c-section so they were rushing to just get him out! God was truly watching over our little family.

mapboy is now 7!!! he is the most amazing boy - full of life. every bit his father and my oldest brother which makes him very interesting for me to relate to! but i love my little guy! i love that at night i still sing the same song i have sung for 7 years. i love that he still wants me to scratch his back everynight. i love that he lets me kiss that freckle on his cheek just because i love it. i love that he still has the scar on his nose so i always remember what a miracle he is!!

happy birthday mapboy!!!!!


Natalie said…
my goodness, what a birthing story you have! i may not have had a second kid after that experience! good thing we have short memories or we'd all be only kids.

happy birthday mapboy!

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