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our princess

august 17 is such a special day in our was the grand entrance of our little princess!!!

it all began on the 14th....i had my weekly check-up at 34 weeks. my doc was on vacation so i was seeing his partner who is also a friend of ours. knowing this doctor like i do, i mentioned to hubby that i expected him to admit me to the hospital for high blood pressure. i had been experiencing this before pregnancy and had made it to 34 weeks before it started to climb. you know when you have those feelings...well i just knew. hubby dismissed it and said i'll see you at lunch!!

mapboy heads off to grandma's and i head to the took all of about 10 minutes before i know my feelings were right. a wheelchair was brought in along with a phone to call hubby to meet me over at the hospital. i headed over a little panicked but not too bad. i was checked in and hooked up to all sorts of monitors. hubby arrives and the doctor explains that he is going to order a 30 minutes ultrasound to monitor the baby.

the baby is fine and we have 27 minutes left to go...we did not know what we having but since they were planning to deliver later that day i decided it would be fun to just know!! our little princess gave us a great view - her legs were wide open and up over her head...the tech said "if this is a boy you'll need to bring it to me for me to believe it!" so i head back to my room with my little secret. i clued hubby and the nurses in. i called a friend who worked at a store to buy me a pink outfit but didn't tell anyone else.

after the doctor looked at the ultrasound he decided to keep me overnight and send me home on bedrest in the i have to keep my secret a little longer. oh yeah...she is still breach so we can either flip her and induce or we can do a c-section. i ask the doctor what he would do if it were his wife - the obvious - c-section!

so home i, we needed to add a room to make room for this little one and we had some contractor problems and were a little behind schedule. basically, our upstairs was one huge construction zone. sooo..hubby called in a few favors to try and finish up. the goal was to get me to 37 weeks.

the next day, my mom comes over to take care of mapboy and i sit around. talk about boring...but i'm okay with it. i make it through thursday and wake up friday morning to more of the evening the bp starts to climb. by about 10:00 it is off the we call the doctor and he says to come in. my parents come to stay with mapboy and off we go. it takes forever to check me in, but back to my room i go. more machines, but they are going to just give me meds and monitor me over night.

the next morning we schedule the c-section and talk about all the possible problems she might have. they estimate she has lost a couple of ounces in the previous few days (this is a side-effect of hbp) and her lungs may need some help. but at 12:10 God presented us with a beautiful (okay, so she screamed and didn't stop for 11 months) little girl. perfectly healthy...4 lbs. 15 oucnes, bald, and perfect!!! she was soooo tiny!!!

her story goes on, but she did have to use a feeding tube b/c she didn't want to suck but couldn't afford to lose weight. we stayed at the hospital until she could take a full bottle with out the tube. hubby worked frantically trying to finish the house and mapboy hopped from grandma to grandma with great joy!!

we arrived home the following friday night about 7:00. she weighed 4 1/2 pounds and seemed so small. there were 3 contractors here finishing up but we were thrilled to be home!!!

princess is quite a delight - still tiny, still enjoys a good scream from time to time, still a precious gift from God!!

happy 5th birthday princess!!!! you are definitely God's little princess!!!


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