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so this was the week of back to school!! the christmas season was over and we could all return to normal! well, our little version of normal that is. so tuesday mapboy headed off to school. we had a great girls day at home. then comes the flood!! yes, folks, a week ago we had over a foot of snow and now, we have a foot of rain!! my little town has made the news for evacuations and road closings. and with that came the wonderful 2 hour delay!!!

ARGHHSH! while i totally understand the need from them, princess does not. for her that means no school. she has been patiently waiting for the past 3 weeks to head back to school. after december where they missed more days than they went she couldn't wait. we had a friend over to play which helped. so last night, she prayed for God to take the flood away so she could have school. at 9:30 pm i got the call....another delay. she was heartbroke and i mean heartbroke!!! now we will have to wait and try again for next monday.

but the is crazy!! roads are closed all over town. our little neighborhood is starting to float away. i have never seen the river rushing so fast in all my life. the city water guys did something to the viaduct in front of our house and it has worked b/c for the first time it isn't flooded. 3 years ago it flooded then iced and we watched several people drive on it, break the ice and sink. it was always fun to watch the rescue of these people. you'd think the big blinking light that says road closed would be clear to them.

anyways...we are currently waiting for it to hit it's peak tonight/tomorrow morning. we are hoping it doesn't come up much further into our rental house and that our basement doesn't flood too much. we have about 4 inches of water standing in it right now, but don't want to spend alot of time down there - remember, our bat-friend is currently seeking shelter down there.

i can't help but think there is something to this flood that relates back to noah. or is just that we as americans have become so selfish that we have stopped caring about how God made the world? or is it really just global warming? seems to me they might all be related!!!


you have that much water standing in your basement??? yuck!!! how are you going to get it out? we are soooo blessed in our neighborhood as we don't have ANY standing water near us at all!! you wouldn't know anything was going on by looking around our subdivision. it wasn't until i drove into town that i saw how bad things were in some places! hope next week is normal for you. for me too! the kids will have had only 2 full days this week!!! never before have we had anything like this going back to school after the break! crazy!!

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