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i have a dishwasher!

yes, folks, it works!! okay - so i probably need to back up for most of you and most of you don't care, but i'm excited and this is my blog so i get to talk about whatever i want!!!

i grew up with a dishwasher, hubby grew up being the dishwasher. we got married and had an amazing apartment where i learned the art of washing dishes..and frankly, i enjoyed it! we would do them together and you know where they say that 3 letter word begins:) well, we were also newleyweds..oh i digress..

then we bought our first house. it had a dishwasher. we were here looking around one day when the couple who lived here stopped by to pick up a few last items. they showed us some wonderful things they had done to the place and as they talked about their kitchen remodel i mentioned the dishwasher. "oh yes," she says, "be sure to always run your hand along the seal because we broke that and it will leak if you don't stick it back on every time." hmmm...okay. "and, you need to make sure you wash your dishes really well before you use it." well, okay then.

i continued to wash by hand. mostly because there were 2 of us and we had few dishes so before the dishwasher was full we would need what was inside it. and i only wash a full load! when we had mapboy i loved dishwashing time...hubby got the boy and i had 20 minutes of peace all to myself. my back was to everything but the window. and i have memorized every piece of siding on our neighbors house as that is really all i can see out that window, but hey - it is outside!

from time to time i would rinse the dishes well and fill up the dishwasher. often i wouldn't get the seal on and would be mopping my floor then as well. it usually needed it atleast..but for the most part i didn't need to use it. then princess came along and brought more dishes so i used it about once a week or so.

then one night we had some friends over for dinner. i had a lot of dishes and it was late. so we loaded up the dishwasher and left it to run overnight (oh did i mention, it often sounded like it was sucking a giant turtle down the drain?) the next morning there was water standing in the bottom and soap had not been used. shows it ran the i started it over again with the same results.

i tried seveal other times, for several years, to make it work. my father in law who claims he can fix anything tried - then told me to just add soap after the water started to fill in the bottom..ummm yeah, that didn't work either.

so my parents remodeled their kitchen last fall and pulled out a perfectly good, slightly used dishwasher to make way for a fancier version. it landed in my barn. my hubby knows when i want something to not say if i can find it for free and get it here i can have it. i have since gotten a free amazing piano from next door and a dishwasher delivered to my house!!

anyways - long story short - although this is already long and you should have enjoyed a cup of coffee at this point - it sat there all winter and summer - until 2 weeks ago. when our new renter(and good friend) offered to put it in for free food. so i fed the guy something and he hooked it up. after sitting a week for him to come back and check i was ready to load and put it to work. but with a crazy weekend pretty much away from home i ran the first load last night!!!

AHHH!!! i have a dishwasher!!!!!!!!

don't worry - i will still enjoy doing dishes with my hubby a lot, because like they say...$&% always begins in the kitchen!

Comments have a dishwasher!! you will have more time to scrapbook with your dear friend :)

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