so hubby mentioned going to see the birds. now, i have to say that 2 years ago hubby wanted to go to this nature park and watch sandhill cranes come in to eat for his birthday. because it was his birthday i gave in. but this is not something i would find enjoyable at all.
ironically, it was pretty amazing. so when he mentioned it tuesday night we were all game. especially when the kids knew we'd be grabbing dinner on the road. while there each kid had a turn with the camera...and princess has quite an eye. isn't this a great photo?
but i really wanted to brag a little on this boy. the young one that is......he is every bit a puzzle to me and i'm learning to embrace the challenge of discovering all the different pieces.
he is all about sports these days, but still loves geography. he currently has a couple of classmates working on a project with him - drawing all the states complete with cities, rivers, and universities. he thrives off of stats and dreams of being a linebacker in the NFL. some of you might find that a bit funny!
you can't argue with him....well you can, but you might as well give up, because he always gets the final word. reminds me a bit of my brother. he has to know the why behind everything - and i mean everything! he has a memory that i used to have.
this is definitely my challenge child. he brings out the best and worst in me, but i love him greatly. there are days i pull my hair out and there are days he amazes me. like i said, he is a puzzle.
he spends hours drawing cities, creating new sports conferences, drawing sports brackets, and our trip we discovered circling all the colleges listed on the rand mcnally atlas! he is an avid journaler. he has a sense of humor - but only when it is him dishing it out, although i would say we are all a bit like that.
he, too, got raving reviews by his teacher. she said, "he definitely likes to be in charge!" and she actually said it with joy! and yes, he does, very much so...