one of the things i find most interesting about princess is her sense of style. i mean she will shop for hours. try on clothes, put them on hold, try on others in another store. she doesn't care if she is at good-will or macy's. walking chicago is pure bliss for her. and believe me, since she was able to put her own clothes on she has every intent of dressing herself in whatever fashion she comes up with. and boy have their been some doozies. as one friend said, "it's okay - on her, it works!" and yes, it surely does.
this week, she came down in this outfit. i love the pants and sweater, but told her it would warm up and she might want a t-shirt under her sweater. i told her there was a white one in her drawer. well, she came down with this. lime green socks with frogs on them and a lime green t-shirt. i just grinned. she was as happy as a lark and bounded off to school. hubby and i laughed. i think he even asked her if those were the only socks she had.
when we got home that afternoon i asked if anyone had commented on her outfit. she gave me a funny look and said "nope". she then grabbed her book, pulled up to the table and read for the next 2 hours. that she gets from me too - i just have to hide in the bathroom for such occasions:)
anyways - that got me thinking. i've been doing a lot of that lately on a lot of topics....but i spend tortureous minutes picking out my clothes. i always have. you can ask my mom if you know her. i feel like what i wear is intensely important. later this week i had to go to a meeting with hubby. it was one of those where i needed to look nice. i was so bummed to open my closet and realize my fall/winter options for looking nice are slim. the whole night i was consumed with what people thought of my outfit. why???? my clothes do not define me!
i got home and tucked my daughter into bed. she had on footy pj's that are crazy. she had picked out the next day's clothes: a fancy sweater with brown sweatpants (for a field trip i might add) she was so proud, but mostly just confident in who she is. she has a lot of friends, is well liked, and well, has a style all of her own.
so why am i not that way? why can't i be confident in who i am? why oh why do i spend countless hours complaining about my clothes, pouting over my looks? i think my daughter has some lessons to teach me! oh to be 8 again:)