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new year, new word

this tradition of a word of the year has proven to be one of my favorites.  the focus it provides.  the journey it provides.  the revealing of God.  this word thing is special.

this might be the first time in the past 10 or so years that my word of the year was actually given to me.  spoken to me.  written to me.  gifted to me.  and the moment i heard it, read it, received it, i knew.  this was my word for 2019.

this gift arrived early november as i had just stepped into a part of something that in the past had left me feeling defeated, unwanted, wrong, and confused.  but i was willing to try just one more time at her rather persistent encouragement and the gift of new friends.  while away that weekend, listening to my friends share their stories, listening to those in small group share their hearts, and being given the time to craft, i knew.  i knew that God was whispering "it's time to flourish my child.  it is time."


to grow or develop in a healing or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment

to grow luxuriantly
to achieve success
to make bold and sweeping gestures


but why flourish?  what is it about this word?

personally, i know it is time to sing.  it is time to continue to grow spiritually, emotionally, and physically.  grow in health in all of those areas.  to dig deep into God's Word because it is the well of life.  to allow my emotions to be real but not controlling, guiding but not leading. to allow my health to be a priority but not a burden.

it's time to meditate and celebrate

it's time to submerge in a favorable environment.  this one seems to bring the biggest fear.  i have a great suspicion that what is often seen as favorable is not God's definition.  the fear in that is real, but oh so exhilarating.

no doubt that this year developed strong roots.  they run deep and wide.  but now its time to soak up those nutrients and flourish:

provide shade and rest
provide hope
provide comfort
provide peace

going back to the definition:  to grow luxuriantly, to achieve success, to make bold and sweeping gestures.  

that is my dream for so many in my community.  i long for those closest to me to have amazing years.  i long to cheer them on.  for them to find the luxury of hope and peace.  i hope to make bold and sweeping gestures.  not for me, but simply because Jesus adores them.

i long to see this community; those that feel cast aside, burdened, hopeless, afraid, alone, i long to see them flourish.  to come alive.  to grow and develop in a healthy and vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment.

so to those of you that share my faith.  let's do it.  let's become a particularly favorable environment for someone else.  let's find those unique environments that grow us.  let's dig into the Word.  sit at the well with Jesus.  if He is indeed the gift of Living Water, how could we not flourish?


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