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finding humor is always full of suprises, right? now, i want you all to know before i start...that this may sound like a rant, but to be honest i'm ranting while laughing because mostly i'm finding it all quite comical!

let's begin with mapboy - remember his great distress when the tooth fairy forgot him? well, good thing she remembered the next night, last minute, but remembered! but for whatever reason the beginning of this week has found mapboy on sensory overload or maybe underload. i can't tell the difference! but he would prefer to be disciplined than to speak in anything other than moans or barks. yes, he thinks he is a dog - and he is 8!! goodness....i'm thankful for an incredible teacher!

then there's princess...who for whatever reason is now on a new phobia. i'm not good with what is what but she has the one where she is always sick with something. so while laughing with her teacher about it today we said that one day she is going to throw up all over one of us because we don't believe her.

then there's insurance....oh yes....back to the insurance fiasco. hubby finally gets accepted. then we get a bill...they actually want us to pay for september. the month they said he was unacceptable. huh!? not only that, but they want us to pay way more than what we are supposed to! no way!!! hubby gets a little fisty with the computer and then the customer service rep. 5 days and 3 phone calls later, i think we might be heading in the right direction. time will tell on that one...

then there's the hsa account. oh yes...more fun! i got our monthly statement and sat down to balance and check it out. i noticed that a debit charge from august had still not cleared. thought that odd. then hubby noticed this nice couples name at the top of the 3rd sheet. we don't know them. they don't even live here. and we didn't write the check pictured to them. an email to his buddy at the bank reveals we share an account with this nice couple. what??? and my debit charged showed up on their account. for 10 months we have had this now we get to start all over with a new account, new checks, new debit cards and pins...oh joy!!

then there's this chiropractor who keeps sending me bills. in august i went round and round with them to straighten out our account. this chiropractor is why hubby is denied insurance by the way. so i get a bill in august that we agree on and i pay it. in september i receive another bill for the same amount. thinking they crossed in the mail i set it aside. bank statement comes and check has cleared. closed! oh no....not for me! today we get another bill - this time past due and with a finance charge. payment cleared!! so i am a little irate at this place and pick up the phone. i hear hubby in the background telling me to "get 'em!" i try to remain calm, yet firm, with jim. i've talked to him a lot lately! he says he can't figure this out and will need to call me back. brother....well he actually does call me back. he found the check in their system and realizes it was never credited to the account. now tell me, how can a billing office cash a check and never apply it to the account?? closed again, we'll see!

then there's dinner tonight...knowing i had a crazy day planned and lots to do and needed to eat early i made a yummy roast and stuck it in the crockpot! it smelled so yummy when i got home after school. about 4:00 i went to put the finishing touches on it. something didn't look right. after 8 hours in the crockpot my roast should be falling apart. this could hardly cut. i finally get a slice and while the outside is nearing burnt status the inside is nearing raw status. hubby, being the good guy he is, suggests i slice it and stick it under the broiler to finish. good i cut it up and stick it in. i'm getting the rest of supper done and check it...looking good. just a few minutes later i open it up to find, what else, beef jerky!!! argh!!!

well, we salvaged what we could and had an enjoyable dinner. hubby left, kids took baths and had snacks and are now in bed. praise God for bedtime!

so, yes, i'm really laughing at all of this, because what else can one do? as hubby left, i let him know i might need some loving on tonight. i also asked him to tell me that it had been an incredibly long time since i ruined dinner last. he is so good to me and said, "yes, dear, it has been a long time."

and now i'm starved. i've had an english muffin, a genisoy bar, a small salad and a small piece of jerky! but mother in law showed up with apple dumplings for hubby's birthday (i guess i don't get to make them now) so i think i might just sit down, turn on tv, and enjoy a dumpling!

thank God He saw fit to give me a sense of humor. my husband might say i was a little stressed - nah.....not one little bit!


TWitmer said…
Whew...I felt like my head was spinning in circles just reading about it all! Yes...good thing for a sense of humor!
Lindsey said…
yeah so when derrick was jacks age he also thought he was a dog. he would mostly become a dog when we were in public. when he would wonder off and wouldnt respond to derrick all we had to do was call him jacob; he would turn and go "ruff". gotta love em!

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